Eczema (atopic dermatitis) affects the skin, causing redness, itching and sometimes infections. Eczema can usually be well managed by maintaining skin every day by applying moisturiser at least twice a day to the face and body, and avoiding known triggers or irritants.
When eczema worsens this is called an eczema flare. It is important to treat eczema flares or severe eczema, prevent and/or treat infections and use immune modulating or other treatments, if prescribed for severe eczema.
Hives (urticaria) are pink or red itchy rashes that can appear as blotches or raised red lumps (wheals) on the skin. In most cases hives are not due to allergy, but can be treated with antihistamines. Chronic (ongoing) urticaria may require additional medication.
Angioedema is a condition that causes swellings due to small blood vessels leaking fluid into the tissues, and is very rarely caused by allergy. It can be possible to prevent swellings with medications, once the cause is confirmed.
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Webpage updated January 2025