ASCIA advocates on behalf of ASCIA members to government and other organisations by lodging submissions which are listed below.
- ASCIA letter to Medical Services Advisory Committee (MSAC) in support for the Human Genetics Society of Australasia (HGSA) application for services provided by genetic counsellors, submitted on 7 October 2022.
ASCIA supports HGSA MSAC application 20221007
- ASCIA letter to PBAC supporting the PBS listing of PBS Nucala® (mepolizumab) for treatment of nasal polyps in chronic rhinosinusitis, submitted on 20 September 2022.
ASCIA letter PBAC Nucala 2022092069.78 KB Nucala® (mepolizumab) is now subsidised by the Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) from 1 April 2023 as an add-on treatment for adult patients (18 years and above) with chronic rhinosinusitis with nasal polyps (CRSwNP) that is severe, eosinophilic and recurrent post-surgery.. Read more here
- Joint letter to the federal Health Minister, the Hon Mark Butler MP, regarding pricing of medical nutrition products for cow’s milk allergy has been sent on behalf of ASCIA, Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia and the National Allergy Strategy, submitted on 28 July 2022.
- Letters from ASCIA supporting research project appications to the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) have been submitted on 16 February, 3 March, 16 May, 24 June and 1 July 2022.
- ASCIA letter to the Australian Government Department of Health, to provide information to address the Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) eligibility criteria about a SCID-ADA patient, in response to a request sent to ASCIA on 8 July 2022. Lodged 20 July 2022.
- ASCIA submitted responses to a survey on the Consultation Draft - National Medicines Policy. Lodged 2 March 2022.
- Letter from ASCIA in support of the application to the PBAC for PBS listing of Dupixent® (dupilumab) for treatment of severe atopic dermatitis (eczema) in children aged 6-11 years. Lodged 13 January 2022.
ASCIA letter PBAC Dupilumab 2022 01 1352.73 KB
- ASCIA letter to the Australian Government Department of Health, to provide information to address the Medical Treatment Overseas Program (MTOP) eligibility criteria about a patient with DiGeorge Syndrome and Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID), in response to a request sent to ASCIA on 4 January 2022. Lodged 12 January 2022.
Read more …ASCIA Submissions 2022