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Venom Allergy

Venom allergyAllergies to stinging insect venoms (bees, wasps, or Jack Jumper Ants) are one of the most common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) in Australia and New Zealand. Most allergic reactions to insect stings or bites result in mild or moderate symptoms including local itch and swellings that can be large and uncomfortable but usually settle within a few days. Bites and stings can be avoided by covering the skin with long sleeves and pants and wearing shoes when outdoors.  

Tick bites also cause allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Ticks are mainly located in coastal regions of Eastern Australia. After a tick bite, freeze the tick and let it drop off or seek medical help. 

Venom immunotherapy is an effective treatment for severe allergies to bees, wasps and Jack Jumper ants and usually takes three to five years. It is not yet available for ticks or other types of ants. 

Health Professional Information

Allergen and Venom Immunotherapy 

Aeroallergen and Venom Immunotherapy FAQ - Availability and Regulation in Australia

ASCIA Allergen Immunotherapy e-training for health professionals 

ASCIA Guide - Venom Immunotherapy, References and Consent Form  

ASCIA Position Statement - Jack Jumper Ant VIT

ASCIA Venom and Aeroallergen Immunotherapy templates and schedules (available to Members only)

Venom Allergy Resources

ASCIA Information - Jack Jumper Ant Allergy

ASCIA Treatment Plan – Subcutaneous Immunotherapy (SCIT)  

Further Information

Webpage updated January 2025