Immune Deficiencies
Inborn errors of immunity (IEI) include primary immune deficiencies (PID) and are a group of more than 480 potentially serious chronic medical conditions. They are caused by defects in genes that control the immune system and can lead to frequent or severe infections, and other chronic immune system disorders, including autoimmune problems.
The International Patient Organisation for PIDs (IPOPI) has released an educational video series on PIDs, to increase the understanding of early detection and treatments for these conditions.
Fast Facts
Fast Facts about Primary Immunodeficiencies
Click on the links below for more information (A-Z)
Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID)
Immunoglobulin Replacement Therapy (IRT)
Newborn Screening for Severe Combined Immune Deficiency (SCID)
Primary Immunodeficiency (PID)
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency (SCID)
Sucutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIg)
SCIg Therapy - General Information
SCIg Therapy - Equipment Checklist
SCIg Therapy - Infusion Checklist
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Webpage updated January 2025