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Insect and Tick Allergy

Insect allergyAllergies to stinging insect venoms (from bees, wasps, or Jack Jumper Ants) are one of the most common causes of severe allergic reactions (anaphylaxis) in Australia and New Zealand. However, most allergic reactions to insect stings or bites result in mild or moderate symptoms including local itch and swellings that can be large and uncomfortable but usually settle within a few days. Bites and stings can be avoided by covering the skin with long sleeves and pants and wearing shoes when outdoors.  

Tick bites also cause allergic reactions including anaphylaxis. Ticks are mainly located in coastal regions of Eastern Australia. After a tick bite, it is important to freeze the tick and let it drop off, or seek medical help. 

Venom immunotherapy (desensitisation) is an effective treatment for severe allergies to bees, wasps and Jack Jumper ants and usually takes three to five years. It is not yet available for ticks and other types of ants. 

Fast Facts

Fast Facts about Insect and Tick Allergy 

Click on the links below for more information (A-Z) 

Allergic Reactions to Bites and Stings

Jack Jumper Ant Allergy

Large Local Reactions to Insect Stings 

Mammalian Meat and Tick Allergy  

Tick Allergy

Venom Immunotherapy

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Video - How to safely remove a tick

An animated video developed by the National Allergy Council 

Video - How to prevent tick bites

An animated video developed by the National Allergy Council 

Useful links 

Webpage updated January 2025