ASCIA Membership Applications
This webpage includes links to:
ASCIA Membership Application Form | ASCIA Membership Categories | ASCIA Membership Fees
ASCIA Membership Application Form
ASCIA is the peak professional body for clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand.
Health professionals and scientists/researchers are eligible to apply for ASCIA membership if they are:
- Actively involved in clinical practice, immunopathology, teaching or research relating to clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand.
- Not engaged in commercial activity involving the sale or marketing of allergy and clinical immunology related products, except as an incidental or minor subsidiary activity to clinical practice, teaching or research activities.
ASCIA membership is based on individual membership applications, not group applications, and there are no categories for group or corporate membership.
To apply for ASCIA membership:
- Email completed application form (as a typed WORD document, not a PDF) to ASCIA - details are on the form.
ASCIA application form 2025 with type in fields69.12 KB
- Do not send any payment with the application, as a Tax Invoice will be emailed once membership is confirmed, after being reviewed at an ASCIA Council meeting, which is held at least four times each year, usually in March, June, September and December.
- Applications are considered in accordance with the ASCIA Constitution (2015) and By Laws (2019) on the ASCIA website which include specific requirements for ASCIA membership.
- All ASCIA membership applications require a Full ASCIA member as a sponsor.
To review ASCIA member services and benefits go to
ASCIA Membership Categories
ASCIA Full (Ordinary) Members
(i) be a Fellow of the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (FRACP) with Joint College Training Committee (JCTC) training in clinical immunology and allergy, or equivalent qualifications, and be registered for clinical practice in Australia (AHPRA - Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency) or New Zealand (NZMC – New Zealand Medical Council); or
(ii) be a non-medical graduate (or medical graduate not registered for clinical practice in Australia or New Zealand) with a post-graduate doctoral research degree and at least ten years post graduate experience in clinical immunology and/or allergy; and
(b) Be actively involved in practice, teaching or research relating to clinical immunology and allergy in Australia or New Zealand; and
(i) Associate – Medical, being persons who are medical practitioners registered for clinical practice in Australia or New Zealand, including persons qualified as general practitioners, or registrars, or with specialist qualifications other than clinical immunology and allergy (e.g. FRACP, FRACS, FRANZCA, FACD);
(ii) Associate – Other Health Professionals, being persons qualified as allied health professionals (e.g. nurses, dietitians, pharmacists). or medical practitioners working in clinical practice overseas;
(iii) Associate – Scientists/Researchers, being persons qualified as scientists or with other relevant qualifications and experience working in a field relevant to clinical immunology and allergy;
(iv) Associate – Trainee, being persons who are advanced trainees in clinical immunology and allergy in Australia or New Zealand; and
(v) Associate – Retired, being persons who were formally members of the company and have retired from clinical practice.
ASCIA Associate members must not be engaged (either personally or on behalf of another person or organisation) in commercial activity involving the sale or marketing of allergy and clinical immunology related products, except as an incidental or minor subsidiary activity to clinical practice, teaching or research activities.
ASCIA Annual Membership Fees for 2025 (AUD including GST) are as follows:
$503 - Full (Ordinary) member
$252 - Associate (Medical Practitioners)
$202 - Associate (Trainee)
$202 - Associate (Other Health Professionals)
$202- Associate (Scientist/Researcher)
$55 - Retired
These fees will increase by 3% in 2026.
Content updated December 2024