This webpage includes the following information about ASCIA:
- Purpose
- Staff
- Code of Conduct
- Members
- Initiatives and Priorities
- Committees and Working Parties
- Sponsorship
- Conferences and Meetings
- Newsletter
ASCIA's Purpose
ASCIA's purpose is to advance the science and practice of allergy and clinical immunology, by promoting the highest standard of medical practice, training, education and research. The aim is to improve the quality of life and health of people with allergic conditions, immune deficiencies and other immune diseases.
ASCIA works towards achieving its purpose by focusing on strategic areas and goals listed below. Details about priorities within these focus areas for 2024-2028 are on the ASCIA website
- Member Services - Goal: Promote the highest standards of allergy and immunology training, practice and care through providing online ASCIA resources, communications, advocacy and allergy/clinical immunology research grants for ASCIA members.
- Professional Development - Goal: Provide professional development opportunities including education and training in allergy and clinical immunology for ASCIA members, other health professionals, patients, carers and community.
- Collaborations - Goal: Work together with patient/carer, professional and research groups to increase the profile of allergy and clinical immunology and improve health outcomes.
All of the three strategic focus areas listed above depend on utilising the clinical and academic expertise of ASCIA members and project management by ASCIA staff, working together with contractors.
A new ASCIA Strategic Plan 2024-2028 has been developed, based on ASCIA's Purpose, Strategic Focus Areas and Goals listed above, and is available at https://www.allergy.org.au/ascia-reports
ASCIA is a member society of the World Allergy Organisation (WAO) and the Asia Pacific Association of Allergy, Asthma and Clinical Immunology (APAAACI). ASCIA is affiliated with the Royal Australasian College of Physicians (RACP) as a Specialty Society.
The ASCIA Constitution and By Laws are available at https://www.allergy.org.au/members/constitution
ASCIA acknowledges and pays respect to past, present and emerging traditional custodians and elders of the lands on which we live and work, and recognises the continuing connection to land, sea and culture of all first nations people.
ASCIA Staff and Contractors
ASCIA relies on the highly valued work from employees, contractors and the voluntary contributions of ASCIA members.
ASCIA staff and contractors are listed at www.allergy.org.au/members/committees#d
The ASCIA employment and contracting policy is available here:
ASCIA Policy Employment and Contracting 202240.29 KB
ASCIA Code of Conduct
ASCIA relies on the highly valued work from employees, contractors and the voluntary contributions of members (including ASCIA Council, committee and working party members) to achieve its purpose.
In the course of doing this work, ASCIA is committed to providing a positive, professional and safe environment, where ASCIA employees, contractors and members are valued and behave towards each other with respect.
The ASCIA Code of Conduct has been updated in June 2024 to comply with new legislation.
ASCIA Code of Conduct June 2024118.81 KB
ASCIA Members
ASCIA members are health professionals who work in the areas of allergy, clinical immunology and immunopathology. As at March 2025, there are 799 ASCIA members, comprising:
- 304 Full ASCIA members (38%) including 287 clinical immunology/allergy specialists who are listed on the ASCIA website allergy.org.au/patients/locate-a-specialist
- 80 Associate (Trainee) members (10%) who are completing their advanced training to become clinical immunology/allergy specialists.
- 154 Associate (Medical) members (19%), who are medical practitioners who manage some patients with allergic conditions, but are not clinical immunology/allergy specialists. These include paediatricians and GPs with additional training in allergy.
- 193 Associate (Other Health Professional) members (24%), including 126 nurses and 51 dietitians.
- 43 Associate (Scientist/Researcher) members (6%).
- 25 Retired ASCIA members (3%).
Current ASCIA members are listed on www.allergy.org.au/members/directory (members section of the ASCIA website).
Membership applications are available from the ASCIA website www.allergy.org.au/members/apply and applications are reviewed at quarterly ASCIA Council meetings, held in early March, June, September and December.
ASCIA Initiatives and Priorities
For details about ASCIA initiatives and priorities go to www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/ascia-initiatives
ASCIA Committees and Working Parties
ASCIA committee chairs are represented on ASCIA Council. In addition there are several ASCIA working parties and collaborations, which are not all represented on ASCIA Council.
Further information is available at www.allergy.org.au/members/committees
Terms of Reference for ASCIA committees and working parties is available at www.allergy.org.au/members/committees/terms-of-reference
For qualifications of ASCIA members go to www.allergy.org.au/patients/locate-a-specialist
ASCIA Sponsorship
ASCIA provides education, training and professional development opportunities, which are accessed by:
Health professionals - including ASCIA Annual Conferences, ASCIA educational meetings, TAPID meetings, ASCIA advanced training meetings and ASCIA online resources and e-training courses.
Patients and carers - including ASCIA online information.
ASCIA educational activities are dependent mainly on income from ASCIA Annual Conferences, ASCIA annual membership fees, educational grants from governments for specific projects and unrestricted educational grants from industry.
For information about ASCIA sponsorship go to www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/sponsors
ASCIA Conferences and Meetings
ASCIA Annual Conferences are usually held in early September, with locations rotating between Australian states and New Zealand on approximately a six year cycle. Further information is available here.
In addition there are more regular educational dinner meetings for ASCIA members which are organised by local ASCIA area representatives. Further information is available here.
ASCIA Newsletters
ASCIA members receive a monthly e-newsletter and emails about information that is specific for ASCIA members, as part of their membership entitlements.
A community version of the ASCIA e-newsletter is available for health professionals who are not ASCIA members, the media, industry and the community, to provide news about allergy and other immune diseases. You can subscribe and access past issues at www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/updates
Subscriber details remain confidential and you can unsubscribe at any time. To review our privacy information go to www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/disclaimer-and-privacy#privacy
Webpage updated March 2025