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Allergy Assist - new online service for rural doctors

As one of the partners in the National Allergy Council, ASCIA is pleased to share information about allergy assistTM – a new free, national online service providing rural doctors with expert allergy education and support. 

The National Allergy Council has developed allergy assistTM in partnership with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM) with funding from the Australian Government, Department of Health and Aged Care. The platform builds on the success of ACRRM’s Tele-Derm, an online dermatology service that has supported over 5,000 rural doctors with specialist advice for more than 20 years.  Hosted on ACRRM’s learning management system, allergy assistTM is available at no cost to ACRRM members, and other doctors who apply for access in regional, rural, and remote areas across Australia.

Information is on the National Allergy Council website and rural doctors can apply for access via the ACRRM website

The allergy assistTM platform:

  • Provides healthcare professionals with access to an education and advice hub, featuring online learning modules, diagnostic support, and links to ASCIA resources.
  • Allows GPs to submit de-identified patient cases via a secure system, where a panel of clinical immunology/allergy specialists can review and provide guidance within 48 hours.
  • Aims to bridge the gap in healthcare access for rural, remote and First Nations communities while alleviating healthcare costs by reducing unnecessary referrals visits.

With over 5 million Australians affected by allergic conditions, including food allergies, insect sting/bite allergies, allergic rhinitis and anaphylaxis, the need for patients to be effectively managed by their GP or Rural Generalist has never been greater. The allergy assistTM initiative offers a lifeline to those in rural and remote areas who are unable to access specialist care due to distance.

Expected to assist thousands of doctors and, in turn, their patients, allergy assistTM supports the National Allergy Council’s Shared Care for Allergy project’s aim of patients receiving the right care, at the right time, from the right healthcare professional, in the right place, particularly for people living in rural, regional and remote areas.

This news item was issued at midday, 27 Feburuary 2025 by Jill Smith, CEO of ASCIA, the peak professional body for clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand.