ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training approved by RACGP, ACCRM and PSA
ASCIA e-training courses have provided accessible, consistent and evidence-based online training in anaphylaxis for health professionals since 2011.
The updated 2025 version of ASCIA anaphylaxis e-training for health professionals has been approved as a continuing professional development (CPD) activity by the following professional organisations:
- Royal Australian College of General Practitioners (RACGP)
- Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM)
- Pharmaceutical Society of Australia (PSA)Â
Read more here

Allergy Assist - new online service for rural doctors
The National Allergy Council has developed allergy assistTM in partnership with the Australian College of Rural and Remote Medicine (ACRRM), with funding from the Australian Government Department of Health and Aged Care.Â
The platform builds on the success of ACRRM’s Tele-Derm, an online dermatology service that has supported over 5,000 rural doctors with specialist advice for more than 20 years. Â
Read more here

New and updated ASCIA checklists
A new ASCIA checklist for non-allergic rhinitis, allergic rhinitis and chronic rhinosinusitis has been developed in response to requests from ASCIA members. The aim is to provide health professionals with a summary of typical differences between these conditions, to help guide management.
ASCIA anaphylaxis checklists for adrenaline (epinephrine) device prescribers, pharmacists and patients/carers have been updated to be consistent with 2025 versions of ASCIA Action Plans.

Congratulations to ASCIA members
A/Professor Stephen Adelstein - appointed to the NHMRC Council and as Chair of the Australian Health Ethics Committee. Read more here
Professor Michaela Lucas - inducted into the WA Women's Hall of Fame, recognising and celebrating the significant contribution of Western Australian women to our community, history and culture. Read more here
Professor Stuart Tangye – NSW Premier’s Prize for Excellence in Medical Biological Sciences for his pioneering work in human immunology and inborn errors of immunity. Read more here

ASCIA Submissions
ASCIA advocates on behalf of ASCIA members to government and other organisations by lodging submissions which are listed on the ASCIA website.
ASCIA has already made 13 submissions in 2025, including several letters of support for applications to the Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC).Â

New Journal of Human Immunity
The Journal of Human Immunity (JHI) inaugural editorial is now live, which outlines the vision, scope, and mission in making this journal the destination for exciting research into human immunity, with a particular focus on inborn errors of immunity. Manuscript submissions for JHI are now welcome.
Read more here

Regularly Updated ASCIA webpages
The following ASCIA webpages are regularly updated:
ASCIA Reports
ASCIA Quicklinks
Locate a Specialist
ASCIA Submissions
Allergy/Immunology Positions
Allergy/Immunology Research
Conference, Meetings and Events Calendar
Referral to Allergy/Clinical Immunology Services
ASCIA gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all sponsors listed on the ASCIA website www.allergy.org.au/about-ascia/sponsors