ASCIA 2024 Conference Registration Open
Registration and abstract submission are now open at for the ASCIA 2024 Conference 3-6 September, at the Adelaide Convention Centre.
September is fast approaching, which can only mean one thing, it’s time to get ready for the allergy and clinical immunology event of the year. Presentations will feature the latest updates on food, drug, insect and respiratory allergy, immunodeficiency and autoimmunity. There are also dedicated allergy updates for nurses, dietitians and medical practitioners on Friday. This event is once again being offered as a hybrid event, and we look forward to celebrating with everyone in person at the Black and White Gala Dinner at Adelaide Zoo.

Food Allergy Week 2024 - When eating out, always ask, always tell
Food Allergy Week 2024 runs from 26 May to 1 June, and is an initiative of Allergy & Anaphylaxis Australia, the national patient/carer support organisation. The theme for Food Allergy Week 2024 is ‘When eating out, always ask, always tell’.
The risk of an allergic reaction increases significantly when eating out or eating anywhere away from home, so everyone living with food allergy, and those around them, need to become more ‘allergy aware’. Not talking about it and presuming food is safe increases the risk of a severe allergic reaction.
Read more here
ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for Health Professionals Reports
For the first time since ASCIA e-training for health professionals was introduced in 2011, reports have been developed based on mandatory feedback surveys. These surveys were completed by 1,730 health professionals and the reports are available here
Highlights from the health professional course reports include:
- Learning needs met – More than 90% indicated that the full and refresher courses had entirely met their learning needs.
- Relevant to current practice - 71% indicated that the full course, and 83% indicated that the refresher course was entirely relevant to their current practice.
- Full course content - 96% indicated nothing was missing and 94% indicated that the course did not need to be improved.
- Refresher course content - 96% indicated nothing was missing and 95% indicated that the course did not need to be improved.
This work has been completed as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project, and results will guide course updates.
ASCIA Anaphylaxis e-training for Schools and Childcare Reports
For the first time since ASCIA e-training courses for Schools and Children’s Education/Care (CEC) were introduced in 2010, reports have been developed based on mandatory feedback surveys in the Australasian versions of the courses. The surveys were completed by 43,945 course participants and the reports are available here
Highlights from the Schools, CEC and Refresher course reports include:
- Relevant to current role - 81% to 86% indicated that the courses were entirely relevant to their current roles.
- Course content - 94% to 99% indicated there was nothing missing and 89% to 98% thought that the course did not need to be improved.
This work has been completed as part of the National Allergy Council Schools and Childcare project and results will guide course updates.
ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy Priorities
Implementation is progressing in 2024 for the ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy for Australia and New Zealand following an ASCIA PID/IEI resources working party meeting held on 10th May 2024.
Recent developments include:
- An ASCIA Clinical Care Standard for Inborn Errors of Immunity (IEI) is being developed to assist in benchmarking and advocating for services and treatment – this has been drafted and will be sent for wider review from late May 2024 onwards.
- ASCIA has lodged a submission regarding the National Strategic Framework for Chronic Conditions including requests for primary immunodeficiency diseases (and allergic diseases) to be considered as chronic health conditions.
- ASCIA is in the process of developing a genetic testing guide for clinical immunologists.
Read more here
Recent ASCIA Updates – Anaphylaxis and Allergy
New ASCIA Quicklinks webpage with links to ASCIA information
New ASCIA Position Paper - Diagnosis and investigation of mast cell activation disorders and syndrome for health professionals.
ASCIA patient/carer allergy information topic areas recently updated are:
The updates have been made by the ASCIA team as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project, to make it easier to:
- Read and understand, by simplifying language and changing to FAQ formats.
- Contact patient/carer support organisations by including weblinks at the start of each FAQ.
Recent ASCIA Updates – Immunodeficiency and Autoimmunity
Updated ASCIA information for patients and carers about primary immunodeficiencies (also known as inborn errors of immunity)
Updated ASCIA information for patients and carers about autoimmunity
Updated ASCIA SCIg Therapy - General Information includes subcutaneous immunoglobulin (SCIg) products that are currently available in Australia and New Zealand and management guides for SCIg infusion site reactions, problems and other reactions.
Updates have been made as part of the ASCIA Immunodeficiency Strategy to make it easier to:
- Read and understand, by simplifying language and changing to FAQ formats.
- Contact patient/carer support organisations by including weblinks at the start of each FAQ.
EOIs for Anaphylaxis and Allergy Education and Training
ASCIA is facilitating education and training initiatives to upskill health professionals, as part of the National Allergy Council Shared Care for Allergy project.
ASCIA invited Expressions of Interests (EOI) from ASCIA members (that were due by 8 May 2024) for funding of initiatives that improve access and timely delivery of allergy education and training for health professionals. A total of 18 EOIs have been received and will now be reviewed by a selection panel. It is expected that funding of initiatives will be announced in July 2024.
Vale A/Professor Dan Czarny
It is with great sadness we learnt that A/Professor Dan Czarny (ASCIA Past President 1992-1994) passed away aged 84, peacefully on Sunday 5th May 2024.
ASCIA has conveyed deepest condolences to Dan Czarny’s family, friends and colleagues on the loss of a great man, who made an incredible contribution to ASCIA, and will be fondly remembered.
Regularly Updated ASCIA Webpages
The following ASCIA webpages are regularly updated:
ASCIA Reports
Locate a Specialist
ASCIA Submissions
Allergy/Immunology Positions
Medical Product Supply Updates
Allergy and Immunology Research
Conference, Meetings and Events Calendar
ASCIA gratefully acknowledges the generous support of all sponsors listed on the ASCIA website