Updated ASCIA Dietary Avoidance for Food Allergy FAQ
ASCIA Dietary Avoidance for Food Allergy Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) has been updated to include a QR code which links to videos.
The short, easy to understand videos explain how to read and understand food labels for food allergy and are on the National Allergy Council Food Allergy Education website.
Red Imported Fire Ants in Australia - Senate Inquiry
There is currently a call for submissions to a Senate Inquiry for the potential impacts of Red Imported Fire Ants (RIFA) on the health of Australians, as well as costs. RIFA stings can cause large local allergic reactions and anaphylaxis.
The closing date for submissions has been extended to 29 January 2024.
The Australian Technical Advisory Group on Immunisation (ATAGI) recommendations include monovalent COVID-19 Omicron XBB.1.5 vaccines. These are available in Australia, following the Therapeutic Goods Administration of Australia (TGA) approval for use as primary and additional doses.
Consultation has opened for the March 2024 Pharmaceutical Benefits Advisory Committee (PBAC) agenda and feedback is due by 31 January 2024. This includes submissions for new or updated Pharmaceutical Benefits Scheme (PBS) listings of products that are relevant to allergy and immunology.
Updated Guidelines for Anaphylaxis Prevention and Management
The National Allergy Council has updated the Best Practice Guidelines for anaphylaxis prevention and management in schools and children’s education/care services.
The updated Guidelines are available on the re-designed Allergy Aware website.
The National Blood Authority (NBA) has developed a Report "Evaluate and Develop Options to Improve Access to Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin (SCIg)" which is now available on the NBA website.
This report includes options recommended for implementation that are consistent with the ASCIA SCIg Position Statement and other information about the benefits of SCIg on the ASCIA website.
ASCIA is the peak professional body of clinical immunology and allergy in Australia and New Zealand.
ASCIA Updates provide current information to the community about allergy and other immune system disorders.
AIFA is dedicated to improving the health of people with allergy and other immune system disorders by providing AIFA allergy and immunology research grants.